President Bola Tinubu says he can not blame past administrations

President Bola Tinubu says it is not in his character to blame “past administrations” for the “socio-economic and security challenges” in Nigeria, as he is committed to taking the right actions to re-engineer the finances of the country and stay on the right path to achieve progress. Many current members of the Tinubu cabinet including […]

Mr. Laurent Gbagbo to contest 2025 Ivory Coast election

Former Ivory Coast President Laurent Gbagbo has agreed to fly his party’s flag as presidential candidate in the 2025 elections. Katinan Kone, spokesperson of his party the African People’s Party – Cote d’Ivoire (PPA-CI), which Gbagbo founded in 2021 gave the news after a meeting of the party’s central committee at the weekend. Gbagbo lost […]

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo has declared that Western liberal democracy is ‘unsuitable for Africa’ and seems not to be working for Nigeria and other African countries

According to the former president, WESTERN DEMOCRACY as it is being practiced in Nigeria and other African countries, should be re-examined or moderated; as it has not delivered on good governance and progressive development for the continent. While delivering a keynote address at an event held at the Olusegun Obasanjo presidential Library, Abeokuta, the Ogun […]